Business Lending
Loan Application Checklist
Gather these materials and get moving on your dreams!
Startup Loans
You’ll find more forms, plans, templates and videos on Initiate. Several resources are available for free as part of your pre-loan assistance. You’ll receive a link when we respond to your application.
Existing Business Loans
Resources to Help You Apply for a Loan
Personal Financial Statement
The personal financial statement is a document that outlines your financial position at a given time. Most lenders require a financial statement when applying for financing.
Cash Flow Template
Track and project expenses including payroll, supplies, travel, taxes and more.
The 5Cs of Credit
Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral, Condition – and Communication.
Startup Financial Projections Template
Startups need to build projections focused on understanding the upfront costs and annual costs of running a business; this template will help.
Business Planning Cohorts
Our Business Planning cohorts and bootcamps include deep dives into financial planning, marketing, management, hiring, and more available to entrepreneurs in Battle Creek and Kalamazoo.
More To Help You Prepare for Your Loan
U.S. Small Business Administration