Prepantalla de consulta de PRÉSTAMO ¿Listo para comenzar? Cuéntanos más sobre ti y tu negocio. Nos ayuda a determinar tu elegibilidad para un préstamo. Are you at least 18 years of age? Yes No Is your business in of the following industries? Yes No Casino or other business whose primary revenue is from gambling activity? Adult Entertainment Marijuana Is your business located in Michigan or any of these Wisconsin Counties (Iron, Vilas, Forest, Florence, and Marinette)? Yes No Is your business located in one of these 6 Michigan counties: Genesee, Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, St. Clair, or Wayne? Yes No Are all of the following statements true? Yes No I have not filed for bankruptcy in the last 2 years. I am not past due on child support payments. I am current on all tax obligations or I have an approved workout repayment plan with the taxing authority. As part of the loan application process, I am prepared to provide all of the following documents when requested: Yes No Business Plan including financial projections—required for a loan to a business that is less than 2 years in operation. Copy of Driver’s License, front and back, for each owner/guarantor Personal Federal Income Tax Returns for the last 2 years for each owner/guarantor Business Federal Income Tax Returns for the last 2 years for existing businesses. Business Financial Statements for last 2 years and year-to-date for existing businesses. Business entity paperwork such as articles of incorporation or organization. Thank you for your interest in our small business loans. Based on your answer, at this time you do not qualify for a loan with Northern Initiatives.Thank you for your interest in our small business loans. Based on your answer, you do not qualify for a loan as Northern Initiatives does not lend to these industries.Thank you for your interest in our small business loans. Based on your answer, at this time you do not qualify for a loan with Northern Initiatives. To find Community Development Financial Institutions, similar to Northern Initiatives, that provide small business loans in your area visit: you for your interest in our small business loans. Based on your location, our loan funds are limited to those that meet the Michigan Good Food Fund requirements. Learn more at: To find Community Development Financial Institutions, similar to Northern Initiatives, that provide small business loans in your area visit: you for taking the time to answer these questions. Based on your answer, at this time you do not qualify for a loan with Northern Initiatives. We invite you to apply again once these payment obligations have been met.Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Based on your answer, at this time you do not qualify for a loan with Northern Initiatives. We invite you to apply again once you are able to provide all the documentation required.CAPTCHANameEste campo es un campo de validación y debe quedar sin cambios.