
Vive Michigan coverage of Northern Initiatives

Vive Michigan, a bilingual magazine based in Grand Rapids, put Northern Initiatives on its April cover!

Northern Initiatives goes beyond just money and know-how for Latino business owners

Northern Initiatives va más allá del dinero y el conocimiento para los dueños de negocios latinos

Israel Flores and Norma Jazwinski talk about a small business loan at Northern InitiativesThe photos are wonderful, as is the story:

“Besides continuing its work in providing capital to those who may not qualify for a small business loan from traditional banks, the organization has doubled down on its efforts by hiring a bilingual commercial lender and opening a web portal that is 100% in Spanish.”

“Además de continuar con su trabajo de proporcionar capital a aquellos que no califiquen para un préstamo para pequeñas empresas de los bancos tradicionales, la organización ha redoblado sus esfuerzos al contratar a un prestamista comercial bilingüe y abrir un portal web que es 100% en español.”

Read Vive Michigan in English

Leer Vive Michigan en español

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