Every time we make a small business loan, we continue a commitment that’s been growing since 1992: give entrepreneurs and small business owners the money and know how they need to launch and grow, and enable our communities to thrive!
As a nonprofit lender, we support entrepreneurs and small business owners who might not qualify for traditional bank loans.
You may not think about an organization such as ours when you consider your charitable giving. But your donation, even a modest one, can help communities thrive.
How? Small business is part of the heartbeat of the larger community. Watch these businesses as they launch and grow. What do you see? You see jobs being created. You see how these businesses, when they thrive, create positive energy for the entire community.
These businesses buy local goods, give back to local schools, and give back to community events. They help give towns a sense of community. Some small business owners may know you by name when you visit. You get a sense they care.
They do care. They care about you – their customers, about the success of their small business, about their communities.
We care too.
Our donors listed below help us to help more businesses start and grow. We invite you to join them. Give a gift today.
Sara Bednarek
Jill Bentgen Blackrocks Brewery Amanda Blondeau Kevin Boyle Joe Cissell and Jane Sherzer Cissell Dale Cook Colleen Duflo Robert Eslinger Tawni Ferrarini Terri Govern Ron and Audrey Gryzwinski Brian Sheridan Lisa Kotler Dione Alexander Chemical Bank
Mary Houghton
Chuck Hurst Fred Joyal Natasha Koss Jack Lapinski Kathy Leone Alec Lindsay Kathy Mason Wesley Maurer Jr. Maurer Publishing Beth Millner Christine Rector Meredith Freeman Jonathan Campbell Jeff Heinzen |
Michael and Joanne Roy
Jesse Schramm Sol Blu Lounge and Pour House Carol Spaulding Bob Valentine Chuck Van Loan Tom Vear Chris Wendel and Janie McNabb Dennis West Michael Zacharias Carrie Pearson mBank John McKnight Bob Jacquart Kurt Peterson |